Get Ready for a Year-Long Focus on Y.O.U.

Join us on this journey of personal growth and development within a community of like-minded dream achievers!

We all want more out of life don't we? But too often, on our quest to live a richer and more rewarding life, we drift off course and seem to get lost along the way.

Our successes can be sporadic, sometimes few and far between; and our disappointments can be crushing. We take a short rest and before we know it, 10 years have slipped by practically unnoticed.

But deep down we know there is far more to life than this. We know we are capable of much, much more .. it just doesn't seem to be working for us.

Designing Your Empowered Life is a step-by-step program anyone can use, wherever they are in their personal development journey to get back on track and start giving life everything they've got.

If you are not playing full out now, what do you think would happen if you focused on YOU for twelve consecutive months and gave YOU all you had?



The next 12 months are going to pass anyway - whether you really intentionally focus on getting where you want to go, or whether you just carry on on auto-pilot - God willing, you are going to end up somewhere in a years time, the question is, is it going to be somewhere you really want to be? Because wherever that is, you are only ever going to get there from where you are right now. And to get from here to there, you are going to have to have a plan!

Designing Your Empowered Life

For the next 12 months, we will guide you through a process to help you:

  • Work out what it is you really want out of life
  • Think about what living full out really looks like
  • Understand where it is you are starting from
  • Take inventory of all your amazing gifts and talents that you are currently under utilizing 
  • Identify what's working for you and what's not
  • Get really clear on what is holding you back
  • Decide upon your immediate next steps to get you moving in the right direction

In joining this program you are making a commitment to yourself, a commitment to the community you will be part of, and a commitment to your guides - to go all out and design and live the life you want to live. It's an exciting journey, and a journey we will be with you every step of the way!

Join our exclusive group.
Secure your spot today.

How It Works

Once you enroll in the Designing Your Empowered Life program, you’ll receive access to our online portal. Over the next 12 months, you will receive 24 teaching lessons, 24 summary videos, and 24 recorded Q&A calls, along with self-reflection worksheets, PDF downloads, study guides, and more.

We know everyone learns differently, so we are providing the training resources in a variety of different formats to better suit your particular learning style.


Take The Journey With Us

Chasing big dreams takes guts! But taking this journey together will make it easier to stay on track, make it more rewarding, and make it much more fun!

Your Empowered Life Design Journey Includes...

Module One

CREATE - Harnessing your power to create

You are a creative being. You have the power to create a marvelous life filled with power possibility and promise. You are creating every day, whether you realize it or not. Most people simply recreate the same experiences over and over!  What are you making of your life?

Module Two

Self Awareness - Seeing things as they are and living a fulfilled life

Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. One of the key areas to examine ought to be us! Know Thyself! The world holds up a merciless mirror. If we want to change what we see in the world, we need to change ourselves.


Module Three

Plentitude - You are worthy of living an abundant life - in all areas!

We can all agree that we live in a world of abundance, but a prosperity consciousness means 'and for you too!'  Get over limiting beliefs that hold you back from claiming what is rightfully yours.  Embrace the fullness of your life in all areas.

Module Four

Vitality - You & Your Amazing Body

You have everything you need for a full life.  You are perfect. You have more potential than you could ever dream of using. But you can't ever really be happy or wealthy, without being healthy.  Turn your thoughts and actions around to live a life full of vitality.


Module Five

LOVE - You are worthy to give and receive love

You are a wonderful, perfectly imperfect human being just like everyone else. Learning to love yourself is the first step to really loving others.  But learning how to love - fully and openly - can be more of a challenge than we think!


Module Six

Living From Possibility - Are you willing to enter into life's experiment?

Being creative beings, we have access to the marvelous tool of thought. Creative thought gives us enormous power. Thought is an infinite resource. Our thinking is literally unlimited. Our potential is literally unlimited.

Tell Me More...

Your Empowered Life program also includes:

  • You will be guided through the Your Empowered Life journey. Every other week a recorded lesson will be released. 24 lessons in total. You can go back and listen again and again.
  • Video summaries released with the teaching lessons. A visual overview of some of the key points of each lesson. 24 videos in total.
  • Recorded Q&A call after every lesson.  24 calls in total over 12 months.  
  • Step-by-step guided curriculum including self reflecting worksheets and exercises to complete.
  • Access to our online community through our our closed Facebook group, giving a safe space to share and reflect.
  • Access your resources across all devices forever! Download for listening on the go
  • Each module lasts 8 weeks, with 4 powerful lessons, 4 Q&A's, 4 video summaries in every module.


I'm ready to design my empowered life!

Your Life-Design Guides


Achieve Your Full Potential with Michael Willis: Your Guide to Leadership and Growth

Lead with Confidence and Clarity: With over two decades of experience in high-stakes environments like Congress and leading transformative initiatives across local governments and corporations, Michael Willis knows what it takes to navigate complex challenges. As your guide, Michael will help you unlock your potential as a leader, drawing on his extensive experience working with top government officials and entrepreneurs. His passion for developing leaders who can address today’s most pressing challenges—whether in government or your own organization—means you’ll receive proven, practical strategies for personal and professional growth.

Strategize for Success: Michael’s success stories are a testament to his ability to drive impact. From securing over $1.5 billion in funding for large-scale projects to guiding teams through high-pressure situations in Congress, Michael’s approach to leadership and strategy is rooted in real-world results. You’ll gain access to the same tools and insights he has used to transform lives and teams across the country, helping you map out a clear path to success in your journey through this program.

Transform Your Team and Yourself: Michael has helped countless individuals, like you, refine their leadership skills, improve team performance, and drive organizational change. Imagine your team fully aligned with your vision and operating at peak performance. Whether you’re leading a business or pursuing personal growth, Michael will help you cultivate the leadership habits and mindset that lead to lasting success. With his guidance, you’ll not only unlock your potential but also learn how to empower others to do the same.


Empower Your Growth with Stephanie Willis: Your Partner in Transformation

Thrive in the Face of Adversity: Stephanie Willis has spent a decade in executive leadership roles, including working closely with Congress, the White House, and leading an NGO in a war zone. She has guided teams through some of the most challenging environments imaginable. As your coach, Stephanie brings her resilience, adaptability, and strategic thinking to help you overcome your own obstacles. Whether you’re navigating professional challenges or seeking personal growth, Stephanie’s experience ensures you will have the support and tools you need to thrive.

Inspire Change and Unlock Your Potential: Stephanie’s leadership in Ukraine—where she led efforts to support orphaned children in the midst of conflict—demonstrates her ability to create meaningful impact in even the most difficult situations. Her ability to build trust, foster growth, and lead with empathy will help you navigate your personal and professional challenges with confidence. You’ll receive personalized guidance from someone who has not only faced adversity but has come out the other side stronger—and who is committed to helping you do the same.

Your Path to Lasting Growth: With nine years of executive coaching experience, Stephanie has worked with leaders and individuals seeking to make a lasting impact. Her coaching approach is rooted in a deep understanding of human potential and organizational dynamics. Whether you’re looking to elevate your leadership or transform your life, Stephanie will work alongside you to create a customized plan that ensures you achieve your goals. Through her guidance, you’ll gain clarity, overcome obstacles, and unlock the full potential you already possess.


Your Investment Options

12 month program


Pay in full and Multi-payment options

Access to all six modules!

24 teaching lessons

24 video summaries

24 self-reflection exercises

24 pre-recorded Q&A calls

Access to private Facebook community








Full 12-Month BONUS Journey


Pay in Full and Multi-payment option

Access to all six modules!

24 teaching lessons

24 video summary lessons

24 self-reflection exercises

24 pre-recorded Q&A calls


12 live empowered sharing calls


12 one to one coaching session

Access to private Facebook community